Friday, December 09, 2011

What Can Be Done in Just 60 Seconds?

This year, I am fortunate enough to be one of the presenters for the K12 Online Conference. I have participated in the K12 Online conference before but never as a presenter. During my preparation of the presentation, it occurred to me that preparing for an online conference is distinctly different than preparing for an in-person conference. Because the delivery of the K12 Online Conference is through podcasts, then the presenter must prepare without relying on any participant feedback. I am so used to feeding off of my students responses and reactions to guide how classes go that I didn't even realize that until I prepared my podcast for this conference.

My session titled What Can Be Done in Just 60 Seconds? is simply a sharing of how I found the 60 Second Recap Videos website to be a great resource for my students.

Below you can see my session. I highly encourage you to follow all of the K12 Online Conference presentations as I have found them to be quite inspiring. Enjoy.

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